Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Management Principles

Question: Describe the most important skills of 21st century manager. Answer: a.The most important skills of 21st century manager century which is marked by dynamism and change brings innumerous challenges to business leaders and employees in an organization. The managers need to have cognitive flexibility while managing stress and pressure and ability of divergent thinking to face the challenges in an organization. It further focuses on creating an atmosphere of trust and long term relationship with the employees. With the increasing effect of globalization the managers are supposed to take newer challenges and risks, motive the subordinates to achieve the organizational goal and build strategic alliances to face challenges. The managers are required to develop skills in the domain of psychology and cognitive science (Pellegrino et al.2013). Character The should have integrity of character, should be authentic which is deeply rooted in their belief and value system. The 21st century managers cannot segregate profit from performance as both are interrelated and dependant on each other which is totally based on principles business objectives. Vision The manager should have a clear goal and articulate the company vision to motivate the employees in the best interest of stakeholders and members. A clear vision inspires the leaders to guide the employees in a proper way and an effective feedback system enables the managers to monitor and to evaluate the employees to improve their performance which in turn enables continuous improvement process. Therefore the employees are further motivated to materialize the vision of the company when there is reward and recognition system that acts as stimulus to achieve the goal. Passion The 21st century mangers must have charismatic leadership quality who respect others, must have good listening skill and confident enough to resolve the problems and must have passion to realize the company goal and pursue the goal to achieve it. Communication The managers must possess good communication, interpersonal skill to . Effective communication helps the managers to resolve the problem in a better way through delegation, coaching, Feedback system, recognition and constantly evaluating the employees (Kernbach et al. 2015). Coaching Skills In addition to this, coaching will help the managers to develop their skills and capabilities to confront the future challenges in a better way and come up with proper resolution. The ability to create value The leaders capability will go beyond achieving the measurable financial result to create enduring values. The 21st century managers are more result oriented and ability to come up with optimal solution to enhance the performance. Flexibility Todays leaders are more flexible in terms of resolving the problems and achieving performance as they know when to use their managerial and leadership skills or coaching skills in order to come with the best solution. Adaptability The 21st century leaders are marked by their adaptability and acceptance of changes in order to produce positive outcome for the company (Jobidon et al. 2013). Role play and ambiguity Todays organizations are marked by constant changes and to navigate the change the leaders need to deal with ambiguity to resolve the issues. As the workplace becomes more diverse and increasing effect of globalization requires the leaders to develop interpersonal skills to be more efficient to address the issue and provide the best solution. As the transition takes place it becomes more difficult to adjust with the situation. Hence, managers should effectively manage the ambiguity and role play to resolve the problem (Darbi 2012). Collaboration With the rapid socio economic and political changes and changes in , the leader requires to take a more collaborative approach. They need to develop cognitive intelligence with emotional and cultural intelligence in order to gain in depth knowledge and understanding of the business. Successful managers are those who can effectively utilize the human capital in a most effective way to gain optimal solution for the company (Berman et al.2015). b,The skills that help the leaders to achieve the organizational goal The skills help the managers to achieve the organizational goal when the individual performance is closely related with organization goal to achieve the overall strategy. A recent study revealed a correlation between financial performances and the way to achieve company goals. The company, which aligns the goal with the organization, is likely to get higher level of financial success. It integrates social media as a tool to promote business and focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship (Daft 2014). Increased operating margins The leaders with its effective leadership and skill align the individual goal with the company therefore the employees are feeling more engaged and contribute to companys success. This stimulate the productivity which in terms increasing profitability for the company. The manager by the leadership quality will enhance the employee engagement by setting challenging roles and target ,ensuring accountability and communicating effectively at different level of organizational hierarchy in order to achieve the goal. Rapid execution of company strategy Aligning the goals with the vision enables the managers to execute the company strategy by helping the management to distribute the labour forces across different projects. The goal alignment helps the managers to understand the responsibilities those are associated with the goal, concentrate on the staffs to achieve the goals. Reduce attrition rates The more of employee engagement will result in higher productivity and increased revenue whereas a recent survey has revealed that larger number of dissatisfied employee leads to increased attrition rate(Daft 2014). Setting an effective and measurable goal for the employees and the company The goal serves the need of the employee and the organization to achieve the target. The goal signifies the short term and long-term business strategies. For an employee the goal refers to the clear objectives and motive to be achieved by the employee to meet the target. For goal alignment, the company must communicate the strategies first to the employees and managers should have explicit ideas about the goals to be able to control other departments and reduce conflicts. Sometimes an individual shares goal with others, which increases accountability and engagement in the organization. Therefore by goal sharing and goal alignment the manager creates an atmosphere of cooperation and trust to accelerate the process of goal attainment for the enterprise (Kacmar et al. 2013). Recognize the members strength The managers should utilize the skills by optimally utilizing the resources. This can be achieved by increasing the individual members strengths and making sure that opportunities are given to utilize their skill. Delegation By delegating the authority, the effective leaders can encourage the members to use their skill and motivate them to take risks to achieve the task. The managers by creating a supportive and positive climate help maximize the achievement and thereby contribute to the growth of the organization (Calzolari and Licari 2012). Managing the group The manager should monitor the entire team and the way it works, understanding the group dynamics gaining the knowledge is quite significant in controlling and managing the team effectively. Working techniques The manager by wide range of skills and competency develops the working techniques, methodologies, rules, and procedures uses the problem solving skills in a most efficient way to while preserving the required quality standard associated with the group. Setting values The manager should be competent enough to establish a set of standard for the employees such as performance standard, workgroup behavior and the methodologies to achieve the task. c,How the manager develops a positive and productive relationship with the staff Provide constructive feedback on a regular basis There should be effective feedback system to enhance the employees performance in the organization. The ability of a manager to give feedback on a regular basis is the foundation of effective management. Monitoring and providing the feedback on a regular basis will help in improving the employee performance. Additionally it will also help take effective measures in case of occurrence of any deviation thus initiatiting a healthy working environment and relationship between the employers and staff (Snell et al. 2015). Respect the employees as an individual Respect acts as powerful motivators to enhance employee motivation whereas lack of respect creates unpleasant situation and affects the employee performance. When employees are given due respect they often go extra miles to help the company meet success (Kehoe and Wright 2013). Ensures proper training for employees at all levels The managers should arrange proper training and skill development programs to improve the skill set of the employees and increasetheir overall performance. Proper training will help the employees to overcome the organizational challenges for sustainable development (Elnaga and Imran 2013). Providing support creates congenial work environment The manager should provide support to the employees while confronting criticism and to maintain a work-life balance in order to develop a positive and productive relation with the employees. The managers by his capability and hard work shows path of excellence that energize the employees to follow the same resulting more involvement and enhanced productivity. The managers by encouraging employee participation in decision making motivate the employees to enhance productivity and achieve the company objective. The manager encourages teamwork by formal informal team building activities. Good relationship at workplace influences employee in such a way they feel a part of the team that leads to more innovation, collaboration, and efficiency at workplace (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). Reference List Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014.Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Berman, E.M., Bowman, J.S., West, J.P. and Van Wart, M.R., 2015.Human resource management in public service: Paradoxes, processes, and problems. Sage Publications. Calzolari, F. and Licari, D., 2012. Proxy dynamic delegation in grid gateway.arXiv preprint arXiv:1204.6629. Daft, R., 2014.The leadership experience. Cengage Learning. Darbi, W.P.K., 2012. Of mission and vision statements and their potential impact on employee behaviour and attitudes: The case of a public but profit-oriented tertiary institution.International Journal of Business and Social Science,3(14). Elnaga, A. and Imran, A., 2013. The effect of training on employee performance.European Journal of Business and Management,5(4), pp.137-147. Jobidon, M.E., Labrecque, A., Turcotte, I., Rousseau, V. and Tremblay, S., 2013.Adaptability in Crisis Management: The Role of Organizational Structure. 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